
Welcome to my blog

Hi friends! I wanted to take the time to introduce myself to you and give a background as to why I decided to start my blog.
My name is Delaney and I was born and raised in Central Florida. I graduated high school in May of 2018, and I am currently a full-time college student. I have always had a love for fashion and all things sparkly (so you will be seeing a lot of glitter). I love to create unique, affordable, and versatile looks for any occasion.
As you may have noticed from my blog name, I LOVE Christmas equally, if not more, than fashion. I keep a daily countdown until Christmas, and I am listening to Christmas music 99% of the time. I honestly wish that Christmas could be every day, and I am a strong believer in Santa Claus.
My goal is that my blog helps prepare you for the most wonderful time of the year and inspires all of you to go out of your comfort zone and be 100% confident in all that you wear, so that you can always sleigh all day.
