New Year, New Plans

HAPPY 2020! I have a feeling that this year is going to be full of great opportunities, perfect outfits, and another memorable Christmas! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends, but now its time to start preparing for this years’ Christmas (yes I really do start planning 12 months in advance!!) Now I know that some of y’all may not want to think about Christmas so early when you’re excited for all the other seasons and fun activities this year has in store, however, I have created a small list of broad things to keep in mind throughout the months leading up to Christmas. As the time gets closer, I will post a much more detailed timeline of how to have a stress free Christmas. The main purpose of this list is to help you reflect on the previous year and see where you can improve and be better prepared.


When thinking about Christmas 2019, did you overspend and have to play catch up in the first month or two of the new year? Or did you have just enough for what you needed but not much wiggle room for events or community activities? Planning way in advance in terms of a budget is so so helpful! It is better to have too much money set aside and not use it all rather than scrapping up whatever you can to tie up loose ends. Budgets are so personalized, and not everyone needs the same amount of money. Reflect on last year and start playing around with numbers. Make a plan to set aside a certain amount of money every month so that when Christmas rolls around you’re already ahead of the game. It won’t feel like such a financial strain during the holidays.


Is it just me or does the list of gift recipients seems to get bigger every year? I’m not complaining, I love giving gifts, but its something to keep in mind especially when thinking about your budget. Think about the people you need to buy for and pay attention to things they may need or really want, and keep a running list for gift ideas. What is also important to consider is to think about your family and friends this coming year. Are there going to be new additions to the family? Are you expecting another child or grandchild? Are you getting married or are recently engaged? Do you now have to by gifts for in-laws? Its important to plan those who you need to buy for so that you do not forget anyone along with budgeting correctly. Something I have found useful when it comes to buying gifts is to PLAN AHEAD. Good deals don’t only happen on Black Friday. Keep an eye out for sales and items that your friends and family want. Buy now, gift later!!


The last thing to consider is your community service projects you plan to do around the holidays. What makes Christmas 100 times better is the amount of good people do and all that they give back to their communities. What I find helpful when I plan my holiday service projects, is to pay attention to what is needed throughout the year. Whether its a single parent that you know who is struggling or there is an lonely elderly that you know, or even something different than that, planning to make their Christmas special will impact their lives in numerous ways. Keeping an eye out for the needs of the community and your close friends, and helping out the best you can will make yours and their Christmas so much better!!!

These are the main things to start thinking about as we go into 2020. Planning ahead and gathering ideas now will make the holidays less stressful and give you the opportunity to relax with family. If you have any questions or comments, leave them down below, or shoot me a message on Instagram @delaneybrannan. Christmas will be here before we know it #334moredays!

XOXO, Delaney